New York in the Pink Dress

Preparing for the New York heat, I knew I needed to bring a few key things: refillable water bottle (saving the planet, etc.), dresses, shorts to wear underneath my dresses, and of course lots of sunglasses. I went on a little ‘add to cart’ binge on Asos a few weeks ago, and definitely dont regret it. I may not be able to wear these summer dresses all the time in SF, but with all these trips on my cal, I got dresses-o-plenty. Continue reading “New York in the Pink Dress”

Fendi Fendi Fever

Everyone has been flaunting their Fendi lately, and surprise surprise, it made me want Fendi. So being the bargainista that I am, I went over to The Real Real and scanned through their current offerings. The $30 credit I had didn’t hurt either. Came across this top for like $60 or so, and it was delivered to my door in no time. Like fashion but also have no funds for fashion? Keep reading. Continue reading “Fendi Fendi Fever”

All the Bright Colors

I have been seeing these super bold colors everywhere and it’s making me want to completely revamp my dark and dreary-looking closet into cheery colorful party dresses and jackets. I don’t think I’ll have any trouble getting that done this season by the looks of the stores! Now, who’s ready to go shopping? My wallet is telling me no, but my body, my body is telling me yes. Continue reading “All the Bright Colors”

Lunch on a Sunday

As I currently force myself to sit here crossing things off my to-do list, finishing this post is one of the more important tasks to me. I’ve had it open and in edit mode since last week and haven’t had five minutes to get my thoughts in order enough to transfer them into the white space of my computer screen. Browsing back through these pictures makes me think of a time that I had less to think about; Sunday at lunch. Continue reading “Lunch on a Sunday”